Earth and People Friendly Materials
Sustainable raw materials and ingredients are those that use cultivation methods, extraction and manufacturing processes, maintenance and end of life disposal that are both earth and people friendly.
Location of resources, renewability, non polluting and low carbon footprint manufacturing process, fair wages and safe working environments for farmers and workers, durability, ease of use and care and end of life biodegradability all need to be accounted for before we call a material sustainable.
At Urban Creative, the choice of working with a particular raw material or ingredient and sourcing the same goes through a well thought out and methodical process to ensure we are truly sustainable.
As consumers, we encourage buyers to be more aware and know more about the products they purchase from us. We are always here to answer any questions you might have. Below here we have compiled a list of the the most frequently asked questions with regard to non textile sustainable materials and ingredients. Know more about our textiles at Sustainable Textiles @ Urban Creative